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noun: 1. Left-handedness. 2. Skillfulness in the use of the left hand. 3. Awkwardness or clumsiness. 4. Evilness, unluckiness, etc.


noun: Unintelligible utterances occurring during religious excitation, schizophrenia, etc. Also known as speaking in tongues.

felix culpa

noun: An error or disaster that has fortunate consequences.


noun: Luxury, glamor, opulence, etc. verb tr.: 1. To make a show of luxury or opulence. 2. To behave haughtily toward someone; …


adjective: 1. Looking in two different directions. 2. Having two contrasting aspects. 3. Hypocritical or deceitful.


noun: 1. A wind blowing from the west. 2. A gentle breeze. 3. A soft and light garment, fabric, or yarn. 4. …


noun: One who is known for integrity, courteousness, and nobility.


noun: 1. A fairy. 2. The race of fairies. 3. A mound or hill where fairies are believed to live.


noun: The upper edge of the side of a ship or a boat.


noun: Food, especially food fit for human consumption. verb tr.: To provide with food. verb intr.: To obtain food or to eat.


noun: A steep bowl-shaped mountain basin, carved by glaciers. Also known as a cirque.


noun: 1. A scoundrel. 2. A foul-mouthed person. verb tr.: To disparage with abusive language. verb intr.: To speak abusively.


noun: A color between gray and beige. adjective: Of a gray-beige color.


verb intr.: To make an ostentatious display. verb tr., intr.: To spend lavishly or wastefully. noun: An extravagant or ostentatious display or …


verb tr., intr.: 1. To blend or merge. 2. To declare or make known. For example, in some card games, to declare …


adjective: Surly, gloomy, or stern.


noun: 1. An old, worn-out shoe. 2. Something useless or worn out. 3. A useless person; a fool. verb tr.: To subject …


noun: 1. A string used to tie a shoe: shoelace. 2. A small amount. adjective: Involving little.

clever clogs

noun: Someone perceived to be intelligent or knowledgeable in an annoying way.


verb tr.: To renovate, refurnish, revise, etc. noun: An instance of renovation, refurnishing, etc.


noun: 1. A sturdy shoe typically with ornamental perforations and a wing tip. 2. A heavy shoe of untanned leather. 3. A …