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Hawthorne effect

noun: An improvement in workers’ performance attributed to the special attention they received when singled out for a study.

Grand Guignol

noun: An event, entertainment, etc., of a sensational or horrific nature. adjective: Gruesome, grotesque, or horrifying.


adjective: Relating to political corruption.


noun: 1. A ship that carries the fleet commander and flies the commander’s flag. 2. The best or the most important of …


adjective: 1. Having scabs. 2. Mean or contemptible.


verb intr.: To make a moaning, sighing, whistling, murmuring, or rustling sound. noun: 1. Such a sound. 2. A rumor.


noun: A mixture of pulped paper, glue, etc., used in making sculptures, boxes, ornaments, etc. adjective: 1. Made of papier-mache. 2. Fragile; …


noun: 1. An unfortunate situation. 2. A pledge. 3. A fold, wrinkle, braid, etc. Also called plait or pleat. verb tr.: 1. …


noun: 1. A small container for pills. 2. A small fortified enclosure, used for firing weapons, observing, etc. 3. A small brimless …


noun: 1. A small sculpture carved in relief on a background of another color. 2. A short description, literary sketch, etc., that …


noun: 1. Rumor. 2. Report. 3. Noise. 4. An abnormal sound heard in internal organs in the body during auscultation. verb tr.: …


noun: 1. An informer. 2. In cricket, a bowler, especially a slow bowler. 3. A float for a fishing line. 4. A …


noun: The use of the Internet to signal support for a cause.


adjective: 1. Like a mouse in appearance, color, smell, etc. 2. Timid or shy. 3. Quiet or stealthy. 4. Dull or drab. …

rat race

noun: A repetitive competitive activity, such as the modern working life in which one constantly struggles to attain wealth, status, etc.

mouse potato

noun: Someone who lives a sedentary life, spending large amounts of leisure time playing computer games, surfing the net, streaming videos, etc.


noun: 1. The study of muscles. 2. The muscular anatomy of a person or an animal.


noun: Exemption from local laws: the privilege of living in a foreign country, but subject only to the home country’s jurisdiction.


interjection: Used to express surprise or indignation.


noun: 1. A swift, sudden military attack, especially aerial bombardment. 2. An intense campaign, for example, an ad blitz. verb tr.: To …